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Special report on Chen Weiguang,—— “The world is full of peaches and plums, a teacher of Chinese contemporary art”




Chen Weiguang was born in August 1940 in Shantou, Guangdong Province. Member of Guangdong Calligrapher's Association, member of China International Calligraphy and Painting Art Research Association, honorary editor in chief of China Artists Network, chief artist of Chinese calligraphy and painting Yellow Pages, executive vice chairman of art committee of Xinhua Art Network, honorary consultant of China Modern Art Research Association, art director of the Art Committee of China Modern Literature and Art Society, vice chairman of the Council of China Modern Art Research Association, vice president of the Chinese Artists Research Institute, honorary academician of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Chinese Painting Academy, Beijing Hongyi Jiuzhou Distinguished Senior Calligrapher and Painter, Honorary President of China Guoli Publishing House, China International News Magazine · Chinese Artist, Member of the National Celebrity Painting and Calligraphy Art Federation, and the Cultural Heritage Protection Department of the former Ministry of Culture, China Local Art Association, were rated as the national first-class calligrapher.

His calligraphy works were selected into the "Ode to the Motherland" Chinese traditional culture and art exhibition for the 60th anniversary of the National Day, and his works were compiled into the historical records of large artistic figures in the collection of "Ode to the Motherland".

In 2010, he won the annual "Model China" calligraphy special award of the Chinese Academy of Calligraphy and Painting. In June 2011, calligraphy won the gold medal of "China's 11th Century Gathering". In 2011, he won the special gold medal of calligraphy in the "Road to Revival - Contemporary Chinese Art Achievement Exhibition" of the China International Calligraphy and Painting Art Research Association. The Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Creation Contest celebrating the 15th anniversary of Hong Kong's return won the silver medal. Won the second place in the calligraphy category of the 2012 Global Chinese Art Creation Competition. He was employed as the deputy director of the editorial board of "Guangdong Encyclopedia", and his works were promoted in many books. Won the honor of "2012 Most Influential Artist in China" jointly awarded by China Arts Industry Promotion Association, Huaxia Academy of Civilization Arts, and China Modern Literature and Art Society. It won the highest honor "China Golden Snake Award" in the cultural and artistic category in 2012. China Modern Art Research Association and China Academy of Famous Artists awarded the honorary title of "Famous Artists in China's Contemporary Art Garden". He won the red special gold medal in the poetry, calligraphy and painting creation contest to commemorate the 120th anniversary of Comrade Mao Zedong's birth. China Modern Art Research Association, together with many cultural associations, awarded the title of "2013 Chinese Art Person of the Year". In 2014, "Golden Lotus" celebrated the 15th anniversary of Macao's return to the motherland. He won the Gold Award of the Encyclopedia of Chinese Studies Creation Award and was awarded the title of "Ambassador of Chinese Studies Communication". It won the "2014 Golden Horse Award of Chinese Art" of China Digital Art Museum.











陈维广·书法著作行成于思 静水流深



陈维广·书法著作寿由德积 福缘善庆




陈维广·书法著作正德厚生 臻于至善

陈维广·书法著作伟大祖国更兴隆 鹏程万里倍光亮




Mr. Chen Weiguang's calligraphy is a masterpiece. His calligraphy is a magnificent and magnificent classic work with abstract brush and ink meaning. He takes rich life experience and knowledge cultivation as the foundation, and uses the brush and ink kung fu that reaches the realm as the support, breaking the previous restrictions of imitating ancient times and laws, creating the realm by heart, using hands to move the heart, and writing calligraphy by god rather than by sight, which shows that Mr. Chen Weiguang's artistic skills and achievements are extraordinary. In terms of brushwork, it has also reached an unprecedented level. Mr. Chen Weiguang's calligraphy is profound, magnificent, and shocking. This remarkable feature also makes Chinese calligraphy reach a supreme level. Mr. Chen Weiguang's calligraphy does not cover many colors. He knows that black and white are two colors, which express one falsehood and one reality, one movement and one stillness. They are complementary and mutually reinforcing. It is a profound expression of Chinese traditional culture. After appreciating Mr. Chen Weiguang's calligraphy works, I suddenly feel a fresh and elegant atmosphere, which is pure, vigorous, simple, and ethereal. Pursue the interest of writing and pure style; Smoky haze, fresh and elegant; There is also a kind of perception that is directly related to the soul. The outline lines in his pen are sharp, soft and hard, the ink method is subtle in fine places, the trees are upright, the branches are like dragons' claws, the clouds are changeable, and the performance of color and ink blending contains rich sense of composition and spicy taste, which is simple, vigorous, bold and unrestrained, and very emotional.
