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Introduction to Feng Jian'an

Feng Jian'an, born in July 1977 in Xinhui, Guangdong Province, with a bachelor's degree, is a member of the Communist Party of China, an art educator, and an excellent calligraphy and painting instructor. National first-class artist; Vice Chairman of the National Calligraphy and Painting Art Committee; Vice President of Beijing Jinghua Pavilion Painting and Calligraphy Academy; Honorary Vice President of Shandong Qingdao Branch of Beijing Contemporary Hanmo Culture and Art Academy; Member of Chinese Couplet Association; Member of the People's Fine Arts Artists Committee; Painter employed by Zhongxuan Shengshi International Calligraphy and Painting Academy; Member of Zhongxuan Shengshi Culture and Art Exchange Center of Chinese Couplet Association; Member of the National Federation of Celebrity Painting and Calligraphy Artists; Appointed director of Guozhen Art Garden Calligraphy and Painting Academy; Chinese and foreign celebrity art network "super calligrapher and painter"; Member of the National Union for Calligraphy Teaching in Primary and Secondary Schools; Collect the academic guidance and invited artists of national digital TV channels.

The introduction and excellent works have been compiled into more than 20 classic books of calligraphy and painting, such as "Heart Brings Vast Boundaries", "Science and Education Revitalizes the Country", "Century Brilliance", "Family Style", "Struggle for Chinese People", "Piloting Chinese Contemporary Art Volume", etc. At the same time, they have been invited to Qianlong, China.com, CCTV, ChinaNews, People's Fine Arts, World Celebrity Calligraphy and Painting, The Times, China Auction, etc. He was awarded "People's Artist", "People's Artist with Both Virtue and Art", "Artist with the Most Collection Value", "21st Century Chinese Cultural Celebrity", "Chinese Artist Image Ambassador", "Young Outstanding Artist", "Blue and White Cup. The Highest Achievement Award of Chinese Traditional Culture", "China's 100 Outstanding Artists", "2022 National Two Sessions News Artist", "Beijing Winter Olympics Art Image Ambassador" "Outstanding Artist in the New Era" and other honorary titles. In 2017, he participated in Xinnawanjing - the First National Exhibition of Famous Artists Invitation Exhibition; The work was exhibited on the big screen of NASDAQ Stock Exchange on October 15, 2018 (US Eastern Time); Attended the Hungarian Calligraphy and Painting Invitation Exhibition for Sino European Cultural Exchange and awarded the Ambassador of Sino Hungarian Culture and Art Communication; It was selected into the theme tour of "Inheritance of Art" of Beijing Metro.

忽然一夜清香发  散作乾坤万里春





All of a sudden, the fragrance diffuses all night long

——Interpreting Feng Jian'an, the Artist

When you first read Mr. Feng Jian'an's works, you will be amazed. His works are full of bright colors, rich in tendons and bones. When you look closely, you can see that the ink is dense and the water mist is ethereal and dreamlike. Combine the real things with what you want in your heart, rather than using techniques deliberately.

Feng Jian'an, whose stage name is Shujian, is a lifelong consultant of Aiyi. com; Member of China Folk Custom Association; Art consultant of the Chinese Culture Research Institute; Senior Researcher of China International Modern Art Research Center; Individual was selected into the "Chinese Culture Hall of Fame" of the Chinese Culture Research Institute and awarded the honorary title of "Chinese Culture Celebrity"; Invited by China International Calligraphy and Artists Association as the "Image Ambassador of Chinese Artists"; China International Modern Art Research Center awarded the honorary title of "Young Outstanding Artist"; The Chinese Traditional Aesthetics Research Association and the Chinese Academy of Calligraphy and Painting awarded the "Blue and White Cup, the highest achievement

应物象形 随类赋彩——记著名书画家冯健安

在当代画坛,书画家冯健安的作品是一个独特的存在!他的丹青画法深师古风,但是独有借古开今的主旨经营智慧,古法不古板,笔墨当随时代!他把传统画法磨砺到炉火纯清,善用兼工带写的娴熟技法创作盛世当歌的丹青大格局。把旧式文人画意予把玩的小家子气,尽悉革除,让山水、花鸟、人物作品合成时代精神的镜像,观其画大振心颜,有磅礴之势,也有淋漓之盛,生成了当代新文人画的新面目!   搞好绘画创作,第一要义是把造型问题解决完美。当下,有俗笔作画,笔力不足,造型不精,画出来的东西糊涂一片,法不正宗,技不精湛,却言是“表现主义”。这种不依法度而进行的了草涂抹,把东方审美重视形神兼备的美术原则抛到了九霄云外!弄出来的中国画,仅存其名,绝无其实。反观冯健安先生中国画作品,可以兼工带写,工笔写实,出神入化,精益求精,绝不含糊。写意传神,遂心应手,天质自然,游刃有余。







Respecting the Pictography of Objects and Coloring Themselves -- On Feng Jian'an, a Famous Calligrapher and Painter

In the contemporary painting world, the works of Feng Jian'an, a calligrapher and painter, are a unique existence! His painting method is deeply based on the ancient style, but he has unique wisdom based on the theme of opening up the present. The ancient method is not stereotyped, and the pen and ink should follow the times! He honed the traditional painting method to a pure one, and made good use of the skillful techniques of part-time workers to create the grand pattern of singing in a prosperous age. The old style literati paintings have been replaced by a small family. The landscapes, flowers and birds, and people's works have been integrated into the mirror image of the spirit of the times. Seeing their paintings, they have a magnificent momentum and a incisive prosperity, creating a new face of contemporary new literati paintings!  

To do a good job in painting, the first thing is to solve the problem of modeling perfectly. At present, there are common brush strokes, but the strokes are insufficient, the shapes are not refined, and the things painted are confused. The method is not authentic, and the skills are not exquisite, but they are said to be "expressionism". This kind of cursive painting, which is not in accordance with the law, has left the oriental aesthetic principle of attaching importance to both form and spirit out of the sky! The Chinese paintings produced by us have no reality except their names. On the other hand, Mr. Feng Jian'an's Chinese painting works can also be written with meticulous realism. The freehand brushwork is vivid, handy, natural, and skilful.  

Only when we have a deep understanding of the oriental aesthetic mechanism can we paint landscapes as he did, paintings of long pines are long pines, and paintings of people are figures! The works painted are of great professional quality and show the aesthetic charm of the public, which means that both refined and popular taste. Chen Yu's temple is big, and decorating the barrier of thousands of families is culture! This is exactly the important reason why Mr. Feng Jian'an's paintings are influential at the professional level and appealing at the aesthetic level!  

On painting, Sheikh has six ways of saying. Feng Jian'an's method has all six methods, without any shortcomings. Looking back on the history of Danqing, it is common for those who are good at one method to hear about it, but it is rare for those who are proficient in the six methods and have no malpractices, such as Mr. Feng Jian'an. Therefore, throughout his landscape works, he is the most talented person and has the quality of heart source, which is the ultimate height of pursuing vivid charm. In the process of learning about the environment, you can use a pen to create bones for the mountain. You can also use ink and wash to break each other, to render green and light crimson, to create the unique charm of a day's clear and gentle atmosphere and thousands of miles of green elm wind. The autumn charm of the Great Wall is prosperous, which makes people care about the mountains and waters. You can have a clear mind, feel the fresh wind in your mind, and feel the freshness and magnificence of the bright moon shining on your heart. It really casts the Chinese dream, and you can communicate with the spirit of heaven and earth alone!  

As a flower and bird, Mr. Feng Jian'an can capture the physical appearance and spirit of objects. The surface of a painting is the presentation of the techniques of pictorial objects and coloring according to categories. The core of a painting is the condensation and refinement of the personification of objects and images and the spiritualization of painting. When the wind comes and the rain comes, the Populus euphratica will persevere. High branches look far, and eagles fly high. Wisteria vine waterfall and chicken symbolize good luck. Thick and colorful, vigorous and colorful, just in line with the general trend of cultural revival and the rhythm of the rise of the nation. Hanging such works in front of us, we can see that in addition to beauty, there is a spirit of the times that inspires our hearts and minds. He pushed flower and bird painting from the old state of literati's elegance to a new height of being a song in the prosperous times!  

It should be pictographic and colored according to the class. Feng Jian'an's creation of modern figure painting works is the most important way to convey the humanistic message through painting. Realistic skills are very strong, theme awareness is very strong, skilled in professional modeling, but also very grounded. A picture of "staying behind" can hit the most tender emotional center of people's hearts, and pity and pity can be condensed into a great love that focuses on social reality. Pointing the brush and ink to the workers and constructing the spiritual backbone in the painting can stimulate the viewers' morale. The theme consciousness and spiritual value of figure painting are similar to those of flowers, birds and landscapes. Together, he has made contributions to the spirit of the times!

On the river

Director of the Chief Editor's Office of Song in the Prosperity


才华泊砚田 书画非凡功








著名书画评论家 史峰 2020年9月10日

Talent Ponds Inkstone Painting and Calligraphy

——Feng Jian'an, a famous calligrapher and painter

Calligraphy and painting refer to the same origin, which is the conclusion of Zhao Ziang, a famous scholar in the Yuan Dynasty. Therefore, the authentic inheritance of traditional calligraphy and painting culture is integrated into one, and becomes the main way for literati to cultivate themselves. In contrast, in the contemporary art world, the phenomenon that painters do not write calligraphy and calligraphers are not familiar with painting is almost a scandal. The divergence of painting and calligraphy has become the main reason for the decline of the gold content of painting and calligraphy culture. People expect that in the new era, there will be real literati who can still be the ancient and modern immortals of calligraphy and painting culture. Fortunately, when I met the works of Feng Jian'an, a famous contemporary calligrapher and painter, I was amazed by the authentic quality of traditional literati paintings! With his detached and profound traditional culture, Mr. Feng has the superior taste of gold painting and cotton calligraphy in both painting and calligraphy!

His calligraphy is rich and excellent, and all the books are well thought out, especially the cursive style of writing freely. With his pen and ink waving, the line of grass can express the true meaning of line art. One stroke of grass is like a winding dragon, and one stroke of grass is like a wandering phoenix. Through the ingenious combination of pressing and pressing, the calligraphy lines show the magic power of thousands of changes. Within a painting, it rises and falls on the tip of the edge, and between the points, it falls on the edge. Both mind and hand are smooth, smart and skillful, and the writing is as wonderful as nature, which cannot be achieved by force!

Mr. A has excellent calligraphy skills. If you want to make a painting, you will have the freedom to use calligraphy as a painting. The subject matter is very extensive, and the three gates of landscape, flowers and birds, and characters are all skillful. He is also an excellent expert who can do nothing in the painting world. It is precisely because Mr. Feng Jian'an is a master of all walks of life, so he was educated by the world's talents. He has been engaged in art education for decades. He has the merit and virtue of being a teacher and a model. It has its own painting skills, which can help the younger generation to become a talent, and the excellent painting can be taught. This is a rich source of cultural heritage, and also an important reason for your reputation and respect in the art world.

The characteristics of Mr. Shi's brush for landscape bone method are quite obvious. His pen is vigorous and calm, and his talent for creating meaning according to lines is particularly in place. The long line is outlined in one go. Short term setback, clear and effective. No matter long term or short term, there is a rigorous and meticulous organization, and we will never let a single line become a wandering soldier. To see the quality of Chinese landscape, the first thing to see is the exquisite brushwork. In your landscape works, you can't find a single line that is defective, nor can you see a single line that is weak. The strokes match each other to write a strange peak, and the strokes create a vast picture. The texturing method is changeable, the erasing method is harmonious, and the artistic attainments can just convey the spirit of the landscape, and also serve as the state of landscape skeleton.

The ink wash is repeated layer by layer, and the ink is accumulated to seven layers and eight layers, or even more than ten layers. It will never be a mess, either pure and beautiful, or green and moist and pleasing to the eyes. This method is far from normal. Later, it will learn from Gong Xian and Huang Binhong. Landscape painters, like Mr. Feng Jian'an, only rely on the water as a new button and make colorful paintings, which is a model of vivid charm. With green and light crimson colors, or with thick and heavy colors, we can build a dangerous peak for mountains and rivers in the process of color not hindering ink and ink not hindering color, and look down at the grand space of deep valley, so that we can learn from nature!

The talent lies in the inkstone field, and the calligraphy and painting are excellent. An inkstone field has a pen. Mr. A has the five talents of knowing water, brush, ink, paper and color. He can be a vivid flower and bird, or a vivid figure. His flowers and birds have a sense of reality in front of his eyes, but they do not simply copy nature, but are inspired by nature and formed in his heart. He makes flowers and birds according to his heart, and writes about the universe according to things. In his paintings, there are techniques, and outside his paintings, there is culture. The painting of figures has a very good sketching ability, which is vivid and vivid, can make the eyes touch and speak, and is full of the flavor of the times, as well as touching positive energy. Painting is a painting, and painting is also a spirit! Only with a big hand can we use the talent of the era of calligraphy, painting and song fu. The pen and ink should follow the times. Mr. Feng's calligraphy and painting are just examples and models!

Shi Feng, a famous critic of calligraphy and painting, September 10, 2020


Jian'an's traditional Chinese painting works show the artistic beauty of the new era. Whether it is flower and bird painting or landscape figure painting, including its calligraphy, they can show their artistic passion and ink skills, giving the viewer a visual dazzle. His portraits are the most visible brush and ink skills. His careful observation of life and the expression of the characters' hearts can reflect his pursuit of art and love for art, not just for art. As a new generation of artistic creation and expression, Jian An can not only grasp the style and features of the times, but also describe the artistic posture of contemporary young artists. In the current era of diversified and personalized artistic expression, Jian An is rare, which is also valuable for his artistic creation.




中国画发展至今,笔墨语言已经有了很大的拓展,运用笔墨之法渲染意境,以意表情,以意写景。是创作者艺术造诣、精神内涵的体现;从而表现出心中的艺术境界。中国画的写意性有着独特的审美价值,并蕴含着深厚的民族文化精神; 凸显的是人性精神与抒情、谴兴、恣意的创造性,重气韵生动,直抵心灵。书画就此而言,当代艺术家冯健安先生是一位风格鲜明、在书画创作方面有着独到的见解的艺术家。不论人物、山水、花鸟还是书法都有着丰富的生活内涵和民族文化意蕴,给人一种意趣潇洒、内涵丰富、淳朴中见秀美的意蕴风格,通过笔墨语言传达表现自己对人生的体验和感悟。



      观冯健安先生的山水画,至简至雅,旷远空灵;驰骋着他丰富的想象力 挥洒出了大自然的万千气象。在整体的诗意美与清新的韵致中,注重空间描绘与诗性的统一;简约,空灵,幽冥,有南派山水的温润秀丽,兼具北派山水的浑厚苍茫。观之有新风扑面之感;体现了传统美学、时代精神相融的特殊魅力;这无一不给人以悠远沉静的古雅之美。无论是笔墨上的运用,构图立意上的酝酿,无不尽显其对技法娴熟的把握、让每一幅作品都洋溢着不一样的时代感。这样的画面既有雄奇秀拔的高山气势,又不失唯美雅致,作品中充满着诗意与生机,让观者感受大自然的和谐与生动。


大众周刊总编撰写 202204

Unique poetic rhythm and artistic atmosphere

Since the development of Chinese painting, the language of brush and ink has been greatly expanded. It uses the method of brush and ink to render the artistic conception, express the emotion and paint the scenery. It is the embodiment of the artist's artistic attainments and spiritual connotation; So as to show the artistic realm of the heart. The freehand brushwork of Chinese painting has unique aesthetic value and contains profound national cultural spirit; It highlights the spirit of human nature and lyricism, desperation and unbridled creativity, which are vivid and direct to the soul. In terms of calligraphy and painting, Mr. Feng Jian'an, a contemporary artist, is an artist with distinctive style and unique views on calligraphy and painting creation. No matter characters, landscapes, flowers and birds or calligraphy, they all have rich life connotation and national culture connotation. They give people a kind of implication style that is interesting and unrestrained, rich in connotation, simple and beautiful, and express their experience and perception of life through ink language.

Freehand brushwork is the spirit of chinese painting; The so-called "meaning comes first in writing" refers to the subjective "meaning" that the creator has poured into his perception. Mr. Feng Jian'an, a calligrapher and painter, is exactly inheriting the traditional freehand brushwork form, absorbing the traditional freehand brushwork experience, and integrating the ancient into the modern in the contemporary cultural context. Adhering to the traditional culture and the spirit of nature, we integrate our cultivation, knowledge, interest and ideal into the creation; Adhere to the traditional enterprising line and artistic style, and have a profound understanding of the spirit of calligraphy and painting. It can be seen from his different works that the ink and brush are deeply rooted in tradition, the charm returns to the primitive simplicity, the freehand brushwork spirit is the origin, and the humanistic style is the soul. From the inside to the outside, from the shape to the meaning, the works are all born with a high spirit! Its layout is exquisite, the atmosphere is remote and elegant, and the beauty of simplicity, simplicity, harmony, emptiness and spirituality reflects the ancient simplicity and elegance of the brush and ink; More is the quiet, leisurely character that the traditional literati painting pursues. In Mr. Feng Jian'an's paintings, there are rich images of brushwork modeling and the spirit of freehand brushwork language. Through the rendering of ink, you can feel his expression, mood and emotion, and understand the delicacy and charm of traditional Chinese painting. Through his works, we can appreciate Mr. Feng Jian'an's poetic artistic conception. The natural images are no longer simply reproduced, and the picture realm has been expanded; Its literary implication enriches the connotation and interest of the work, and achieves the perfect unity of tradition and modernity, form and content. The natural scene is taken as the image in the chest, and the image in the chest is turned into the artistic conception, which highlights the natural and fresh style of the picture, and creates a unique painting conception of taking shape with air, guiding rhyme with shape, and the artistic conception is quiet.

In his long-term creation, Mr. Feng Jian'an has always adhered to the expression of the artistic conception of traditional ink and brush, intended to convey the beauty of flexibility, and displayed a fresh, glowing and atmospheric freehand brushwork atmosphere. The characters in his works all have their own unique facial features and personality gifts, which are full of life flavor, and maintain a simple, thick, flexible, generous sense of integrity and high taste. The expression, form and spirit of the characters are refined and refined, clean and bright; The structure is exquisite, the shape is accurate and beautiful, and the rhythm of dynamic and static combination realizes the overall freshness and elegance. The resulting aesthetics of life creates a series of beauty showing the traditional oriental culture. Its artistic characteristics can use ink and wash style to blend the shape, rhyme and spirit of the characters into a harmonious whole; With simple and plain artistic language, it tells a vivid image and pen and ink interest. Similarly, in the pursuit of flower and bird images, Mr. Feng Jian'an used simple, simple and unsophisticated pen with a strong modern flavor. Through the integration of feelings, he made the flowers, birds, animals, peonies, bamboo, etc. in his works unique and lyrical, fully expressing the internal thoughts and pursuit, which is the integration of traditional images and modern consciousness. It enriches the visual expressiveness by harmonizing the ink painting and scenery, perfectly interprets the characteristics of both ink painting and painting in flower and bird painting, shows a simple and elegant mood, and creates a quiet, remote and interesting atmosphere.

The landscape paintings of Mr. Feng Jian'an are simple, elegant, spacious and ethereal; Galloping his rich imagination, he brings out the myriad of natural phenomena. In the overall poetic beauty and fresh charm, it pays attention to the unity of space description and poetic quality; Simple, ethereal, and ghostly, it has the warm and beautiful landscape of the southern school, and the thick and vast landscape of the northern school. There is a feeling of fresh wind in the view; It embodies the special charm of the integration of traditional aesthetics and the spirit of the times; All of these give people the ancient and elegant beauty of long and quiet. Both the use of pen and ink and the brewing of composition and conception show their skillful grasp of techniques, making each work brimming with a different sense of the times. This kind of picture has both majestic and beautiful mountain momentum and aesthetic elegance. The work is full of poetry and vitality, allowing the viewer to feel the harmony and vividness of nature.

Calligraphy and painting are from the same source and an integral part of artistic cultivation. Mr. Feng Jian'an has the connotation of painting with calligraphy, as well as the cultivation support of painting to benefit the excellence of calligraphy, which can show interest and taste. He sought enlightenment in the tradition of calligraphy, and sought Tao in the process of enlightenment. He got the ancients' interest in writing, but focused on understanding the ancients' spirit, meaning and spirit. Let calligraphy contain a unique and fresh sense of beauty, which not only attaches importance to the intentional expression of stippling, but also attaches more importance to the internal expression of the work, and expresses his spiritual art in the lines of ink and brush. Exquisite works can move people's hearts. Through the form of pictures, we can see the sincerity and connotation in Mr. Feng Jian'an's heart, which is full of vitality of life and elegant artistic realm. Here, we gathered Mr. Feng Jian'an's representative works of calligraphy and painting and his new works in recent years to appreciate his unique poetic rhythm and artistic atmosphere.

Written by the editor in chief of Volkswagen Weekly 202204


In recent years, when I was in good health, I cultivated books and played with ink. As I became old, I could not finish my calligraphy. After seeing Jian An's calligraphy works, I was gratified, but I was more moved by his character of devoting himself to education. It is verified from his calligraphy and painting works that the strokes are powerful and natural. The performance of Lan Tingxu fully inherits the tradition of his art works and shows his skills. It follows the key points of the traditional beauty of calligraphy art in terms of the slow and slow use, setback, organization and echo of the pen, and demonstrates the artistic self-restraint and artistic characteristics of its contemporary new cultural workers. We can make great efforts according to the existing artistic standards, and we can see results at the age of 50.


